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Is Wealthy Affiliate a Valid Opportunity?


For every internet affiliate marketing program that is genuine you locate online, there are ten others that turn out to be scams. Fact or fiction? Although it's likely to be fictitious, I think it depends on how you define a scam. However amongst the most ignorant around - those who don't have a clue - the thought is that nearly everything online is a scam.


So how can you separate the wheat from the chaff? Or to put it another way, how do you know which ones are legit?


Let us take Wealthy Affiliate (WA) for example. This Wealthy Affiliate online community has existed since 2005 catering to thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs all over the globe. Instead of an item, it is a learning center or a learning resource. To put it differently, it's less of the typical affiliate system and more of a community. It is where entrepreneurs learn the dos and don'ts of developing a business online through training and classes.


Wealthy Affiliate was dubbed the "number one rated online community in the globe". They have reportedly helped numerous entrepreneurs from all levels of expertise boost their on-line business. It's one how to make money online program worth thinking about if you are also thinking of starting an on-line business. But first-things first, is it like the numerous plans selling fake guarantees and benefits? .


Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam?


There are a number of things to look into before we can answer the question. Refer more facts from


First on the list is the membership fee. Does the plan require you to pay a specific sum before you are able to join?


Any plan with compulsory membership fees may hint it being a scam, although I know lots of companies that do it that way, but are undoubtedly not scams. But it is a good idea to give individuals a free test drive first, or at the very least, a money back guarantee.


Now, let us look at Wealthy Affiliate. There are two packages available for prospective affiliates. There's the starter membership which costs zero dollars and the premium membership which costs $47 per month.


Signing up is totally free. You do not have to pay anything and yet you get access to a number of training and other resources. That is how legit affiliate programs as online business for beginners typically function. Updating to premium is recommended, once you understand the program but the decision is still entirely up to you.


Are the Promises Too Good To Be True?


In a many instances, newbie affiliate marketers get sucked in with assurances that are exaggerated. All of us want money that is easy and immediate success. Sadly, that is not true in the true world and neither is it in the on-line world.


There is no instant cash with affiliate marketing and definitely not with any business either. There's a procedure you must work through in order to get to the top and get monthly figures amounting to thousands of dollars.

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